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Hanuman Chalisa Hindi Song Lyrics English Translation and Meaning – Hanuman Returns movie

    Hanuman Chalisa Song Lyrics and Translation

    From the movie – Hanuman Returns

    Shreeguru charana saroja raja nija mana mukura sudhaari

    baranau raghubara bimala jasu jo daayak phala chaari

    “Cleansing the mirror of my mind with the dust from the Lotus-feet of Divine Guru, I describe the unblemished glory of Lord Rama, which bestows four fruits of Righteousness (Dharma), Wealth (Artha), Pleasure (Kama) and Liberation (Moksha) ”

    Introductory Doha 2

    Buddhiheena tanu jaanikai sumirau pavanakumara

    Bal buddhi bidya dehu mohi harahu kalesa bikara

    “Considering this person as intelligence less, I remember Lord Hanuman. Give me strength, intelligence and knowledge, cure my body ailments and mental imperfections”

    Jaya hanumana Jnaana guna saagara

    Jaya kapeesha tihu loka ujaagara

    “Victory to Hanuman who is the ocean of Wisdom and Virtues, Victory to the king of Monkeys who is illuminating three worlds”

    Rama dūta atulita bala dhama

    Anjani putra pavanasuta nama

    “You are the messenger of Rama (to Sita), You are the abode of incomparable power. You are also called by the names of ‘Anjani Putra’ (Son of Anjana) and ‘Pavana suta’ (son of wind god)”

    Mahabira bikrama bajarangi।

    kumati nivara sumati ke sangi

    “Oh mighty valorous one, of terrific deeds whose body organs are as strong as Diamond (or the weapon of God Indra). Cure my bad mind oh companion of those with pure (good) mind”

    Kaanchana barana biraja subesa

    kanana kundala kunchita kesha

    “You are golden colored, you are shining in your beautiful attire. You have beautiful ear-rings in your ear and curly hairs”

    Hatha bajra au dhvaja birajai

    kandhe mūnji janeū sajai

    “Vajrayudha (mace) and flag are shining in your hand. Sacred thread made of Munja grass adorns your shoulder”

    Shankara suvana kesari nandana

    Teja pratapa maha jaga bandana

    “O partial incarnation of Lord shiva, giver of joy to King Kesari. Your great majesty is revered by the whole world”

    Bidyavana guni ati chatura

    Rama kaja karibe ko atura

    “Oh one learned in all Vidyas, one full of virtues, Very clever. You are always eager to do Rama’s tasks”

    Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiya

    rama lakhana sita mana basiya

    “You enjoy listening to Lord Rama’s story; Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita reside in your heart”

    Sūkshma rūpa dhari siyahi dikhava

    bikata rūpa dhari lanka jarava

    “Assuming the smallest form you saw (visited) Sita. Assuming the gigantic form you burnt down the Lanka”

    Bhima rūpa dhari asura samhare

    ramachandra ke kaja samvare

    “Assuming a terrible form you slayed demons. You made Lord Rama’s works easier”

    laya sanjivani lakhana jiyae

    shri raghubira harashi ura laye

    “You brought Sanjeevini mountain to save Lakshmana’s Life. Lord Rama embraced you in joy”

    Raghupati kinhi bahut badai

    tum mama priya bharata hi sama bhai

    “Lord Rama praised you very much saying ‘You are dear to me like my brother Bharata'”

    sahasa badana tumharo jasa gavai

    asa kahi shripati kantha lagavai

    “‘May the thousand headed serpent Adishesha sing of your glory’ saying this Lord Rama embraced you”

    Sanakadika brahmadi munisa

    narada sarada sahita ahisa

    “Sanaka, Brahma and other Royal sages, Narad, Saraswati and Adishesha”

    Yama kubera dikpala jaha te

    kavi kobida kahi sakai kaha te

    “Yama, Kubera, Dikpaalakas, poets and singers; they can not describe your greatness properly”

    Tuma upakara sugrivahi kinha

    raam milaya rajapada dinha

    “You helped Sugreeva. You made him friends with Rama which gave him his Kingship back”

    Tumharo mantra vibhishana mana

    lankeshvara bhae saba jaga jana

    “Vibheeshana accepted your Suggestion. He became the king of Lanka because of your advice, whole world knows it”

    Yuga sahasra yojana para bhanū

    lilyo tahi madhura phala janū

    “You flew towards the sun who is thousands of years of Yojanas away, thinking of him as a sweet fruit”

    Prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahi

    jaladhi langhi gaye acharaja nahi

    “Putting the ring of Rama in your mouth, you jumped and flew over Ocean to Lanka, there is no surprise in that”

    Durgama kaja jagata ke jete

    sugama anugraha tumhare tete

    “All the difficult tasks in the world, become easy if there is your grace”

    Rama duare tuma rakhavare

    hota na agya binu paisare

    “Your the doorkeeper of Rama’s court. Without your permission nobody can enter Rama’s abode”

    Saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana

    tuma rakshaka kahū ko darana

    “All happiness stay with those who take refuge in you. You are the protector, why be afraid? ”

    apan tej samharo apai

    tino lok hanka te kapai

    “Only you can cancel your powers. All three worlds tremble in fear”

    bhūta pishacha nikata nahi avai

    mahabira jaba nama sunavai

    “Evil Spirits and Ghosts don’t come near when your name is heard O great Courageous one”

    Nasai roga harai saba pira

    japata nirantara hanumata bira

    “Diseases will be ended, all pains will be gone, when a devotee continuously repeats Hanuman the brave’s name”

    Sankata te hanumana chhudavai

    mana krama vachana dhyana jo lavai

    “Hanuman will release those from troubles who meditate upon him in their mind, actions and words”

    Saba para rama tapasvi raja

    tina ke kaja sakala tuma saja

    “Rama is the king of all, he is the king of yogis. You managed all his tasks” or in other translation “He whoever takes refuge in Rama you will manage all their tasks”

    Aura manoratha jo koi lavai

    Soi amita jivana phala pavai

    “Whoever brings many of their wishes to you, they will get unlimited fruits”

    charo juga pratapa tumhara

    hai parasiddha jagata ujiyara

    “Your glory is for all the four yugas, Your greatness is very famous throughout the world, and illumines the world”

    Sadhu santa ke tuma rakhavare

    asura nikandana rama dulare

    “You are the guardian of Saints and Good people. You killed demons and you are dear to Rama”

    Ashta siddhi nava nidhi ke data

    asa bara dinha janaki mata

    “Mother Sita granted you a boon to become the bestower of 8 Siddhis (supernatural powers) and 9 Nidhis (divine treasures)”

    Rama rasayana tumhare pasa

    sada raho raghupati ke dasa

    “You have the sweet devotion to Rama. May you always be a devotee of Lord Rama”

    Tumhare bhajana rama ko pavai

    Janama janama ke dukha bisaravai

    “Singing your name gets us Rama himself and Removes the sufferings of many lives”

    Anta kala raghupati pura jai

    jaha janma hari bhakta kahai

    “He who sings of you, at the end of the life he attains to Lord Rama’s abode. Where he will be born as a Devotee of Lord Rama”

    Aura devata chitta na dharai

    hanumata sei sarva sukha karai

    “Not contemplating on other gods, gets his all happiness from Hanuman by serving him”

    Sankata katai mitai saba pira

    jo sumirai hanumata balabira

    “Pains will be removed, all afflictions will be gone of who remembers Hanuman the mighty brave one”

    Jaya jaya jaya hanumana gosai

    kripa karahu gurudeva ki nai

    “Victory to you O master of the senses. Show mercy on us like a Guru does”

    Jo shata bara pathakar koi

    chhūtahi bandi mahasukha hoi

    “He whoever recits this hundred times, his chains of Bondage will be cut, Great happiness will be his”

    Jo yaha padhai hanumana chalisa

    hoya siddhi sakhi gaurisa

    “He whoever reads these verses on Hanuman, he will get spiritual attainments, Lord Shiva is the witness to this statement”

    Tulasidasa sada hari chera

    kijai natha hridaya mama dhera

    “Tulasidas is always a disciple of Lord Rama. O lord make my heart your abode”

    Conclusive Doha

    pavanatanaya sankata harana mangala mūrati rupa

    rama lakhana sita sahita hridaya basahu sura bhūpa

    “O Son of wind god, remover of difficulties, oh one of auspicious form. With Ram, Lakshman and Sita reside in our hearts of King of Gods”

    About the movie – Hanuman Returns

    A young boy, Minku, ridiculed by his friends, begs the gods to send him down to Earth, and his wish is granted.

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